Who is teaching our teen and pre-teen girls what it means to be a woman— the church or the culture?
The cultural message about womanhood is delivered visually and verbally 24/7.
Finally — a discipleship curriculum for teen girls!
Becoming a TRUE women Curriculum
Here is a resource to help the church answer the question many of our daughters do not even know they should be asking . . . What does God say about His female design?
In addition to biblical principles of womanhood, this comprehensive Bible study series incorporates:
- How to study Scripture from a gospel perspective.
- Suggestions for Scripture memorization.
- Reformed and covenantal theology with related questions from the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
- A biblical perspective of the church as the girls are taught their privileges and responsibilities as a part of the covenant community. Suggestions are given to help girls develop relationships with and serve others in the church family.
- How to live the gospel in our relationships. The lessons continually emphasize that God’s glory is the goal and His Word is the authority for every relationship.